
5 Triks Agar Usaha Musiman Tetap Lancar

In August 2018 there were a lot of seasonal traders popping up like traders selling flags, bamboo in red and white paint, and other trinkets. Traders of Asian Games souvenirs and merchandise  , to sacrificial animal traders. This year the Republic of Indonesia’s independence day is adjacent to the Eid al-Adha holiday, so not only merchants of the independence day appearances but also qurban animal traders are increasingly being met. Seasonal traders like this usually appear along with the changing moments that occur each year.

For those of you who are included in seasonal traders there are things that you must pay attention to so that the business you run remains smooth, the following tricks:

1. Avoid excessive expectations

Excessive expectation is the main thing you should avoid, because when you want to  start a business you have to be realistic in thinking, because if you think about the big results before you start it is feared you will be disappointed when the results you get do not match what you want.

Having expectations is normal, but don’t expect your expectations to be unmeasurable, and not appropriate. You have to have measurable expectations and match what you are sure to get. Because your business is a seasonal business.

2. Shop as needed

Avoid excessive shopping, because seasonal business is not as easy as you think. Many other merchants will offer the same merchandise, so competition is quite tight.

To prevent loss you can shop as needed and if you run out you can shop again, it’s a better way than you  stock a  lot of things but when the season is over your goods are no longer sold.

3. Find a strategic place

The next trick, you can find a place to start a business. Try to find a place where no other trader has sold the same item, this can make it easier to sell your merchandise. If you want to trade with a tour, you can explore crowded villages or residential areas so other people can see the items you are selling.

4. Choose   a safe supplier

To get the items to be sold, of course you need  suppliers  who offer goods at low prices and also safe. For this reason it is necessary to be careful to buy it, because there will be many  suppliers  that you will meet and confuse. Choose a  supplier  that has become the trust of other traders, avoid buying online so you can see the quality of the goods directly so that they avoid fraud.

It doesn’t hurt you to hunt for the right supplier. The supplier you are looking for is certainly not just one that can give you cheap prices. Instead, you can get products that have affordable quality. Don’t let you just chase cheap.

5. Give a reasonable price

Usually seasonal traders look for more profits by setting a high price, but it would be nice if you give a reasonable price so you don’t get a comment when someone buys your merchandise.

Taking big profits is fine, but buyer satisfaction is the main thing that your current thinking. If the buyer feels that the price you are offering is cheap, the person who buys will make you a recommendation if the partner wants to buy the item.

So, don’t take the price too high. Make seasonal business one of the opportunities to train your entrepreneurial spirit. What’s more if you are still in the business learning stage. Seasonal business is one of the right businesses for you to do. By paying attention to some of the above, you can make a side business as a way to train  your entrepreneurial spirit  .

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